Hello New Year

With the holiday season behind us I am finally getting back to some semblance of a normal routine. Christmas this year seemed to arrive as suddenly as it passed. And decorations that went up with care are now quickly being removed as if they pose a threat to our family. Gifts that were excitedly received now have us scratching our heads as we try to figure out where they should go. All in all our home is a bit of a disaster. But I have a good feeling that I’m not alone. Cleaning house this new year is a most for many.


How time flies when cleaning house

This year was quick in providing me with my first challenge; getting my house in order. And truthfully speaking this is an all year task. As I return things to their proper place, I do my best not to get hung up on the idea of perfection. Things will likely be moved several more times over as unpacking, and construction continues to be part of our reality. I don’t know how long it takes you to unpack after a move, but clearly eight months hasn’t been enough time for us.


From literal change to spiritual

Yet, in the midst of all this unpacking and reorganizing I realized the parallels between my seemingly insignificant tasks and this new year before me. We lug boxes from year to year filled with overwhelming feelings of anger/sorrow/regret. We hold onto bad relationships, and continue in unhealthy habits. But maybe this year instead of unpacking these boxes we are find the strength to let them go. So let’s start by asking yourselves, what things are better left behind? And what things do we need to reorganize and prioritize for the sake of our health and spiritual well-being?

I hate to be the one that says this, but this year will bring challenges. There will be giants to face and fears to overcome or run from. There will be victories along with loses. But my hope for myself, and all of you who are reading this is that we face this year with abundant joy. Let us be ambassadors of hope and share it with the world. Remembering that in the darkest hours is when we shine the brightest. Let us lead the way with assurance this year. Not because we know what the future holds, but because we know the one who holds it.

But in order to do this we, believers, need to look at ourselves and (you’ve got it) clean house.


Moving forward

Whether you call it a resolution or a goal, make sure that above all else this year you make time to clean house. Just as you remove waste and garbage from your home, remove negative people and undesirable behaviors from your life.

I am reminded of a Sunday school song my kids sing about the Fruits of the Spirit. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. What a harvest we’d ripe if these were the seeds we planted throughout the year.

It is foolish to expect this year to be any different if we are not willing to submit to change. So let’s embrace change and be made new.


Inspired Verse

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away, behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

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