The Times We’re Living in

To say these times we’re living in are hard is an understatement and frankly unoriginal. We’ve allowed our differences to define and divide us. Tune into most t.v. or radio stations and you’ll hear a slew of information tearing down the group or opponent viewed as the “enemy.” Everyone seems to be itching for a fight. But we, as believers, are called to be peacemakers.

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9

A simple concept many of us teach to our children. Yet, as adults there has not been a lot of this behavior modeled on social media platforms or the latter. Why is this? I believe it is because we were created by a passionate God. So we too feel things deeply. Which is why we’re able to express ourselves in powerful ways. Listen to J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. Link posted below. It’s OK, I’ll wait.

From the Heart

Did you hear how the music gently build. Like a feather blown gracefully through the air the notes carry us away. It evokes emotion with each delicate turn. Whether you know the history behind the composer or this song makes little difference to how the piece moves you. It’s angelic and haunting. Great music like this could not exist without passion.

But the misstep we all can make is allowing our passion to be the sole reason behind our decisions and actions. Our feelings should never be put into action without thought first being applied. Behavior to the contrary makes all of us nothing more than children, throwing ourselves on the floor when we haven’t gotten our way.

Fools have no interest in understanding; they want to air their own opinions.

Proverbs 18:2

A State of Mind

The extreme flip side, however, isn’t all roses. We can find ourselves joining the heartless. I can’t help but think of Pixar’s short film Inner Workings. If you haven’t seen it it is basically about a guy who lets his brain run the show. He doesn’t have fun, or do anything that can lead to his death. We watch and see as the heart is broken unable to experience love. Of course it all turns around and we’re able to walk away understanding the lesson. But what I am referring to isn’t a brain leading us away from danger. I am speaking about living with no heart.

We walk around shouting at others and only have negativity comes from our lips. This path seems to be the popular road taken by many, and yes, I am including believers. Terms like “triggered” have surfaced representing not only a generation, but a wave of people who can’t hear anything they don’t agree with. Somehow we’ve gotten to a place where we can’t even have a civilized conversation. Knowing what is right and wrong is important, and sharing that with others is just as important. But we need to be wary not to become like the Pharisees of the Bible. Our faith should never make us legalistic.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples

John 13:35

Walking the Line

We are all walking a tightrope trying not to wave to much to one side or the other. But don’t lose heart (or your head for that matter) this world is still worth saving. Pray for others, yes even if their not in your political party. Read your Bible, share your faith, and show compassion. None of these compromise us morally. In fact, they are exactly how Jesus did with the Jews and Gentiles alike. So thank God for using you to further His Kingdom. May we all be a light, and never cast a shadow.

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